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Musculoskeletal Disease In Seniors. The Causes And Prevention

Bone density disease in seniors
Musculoskeletal Disease in seniors. (Bone Density)

Musculoskeletal Disease in seniors. Causes And Prevention

In this post, I will be looking at bone density one of the Musculosketial diseases that can affect us.

Bone is made mostly of collagen, a protein that is woven into a flexible framework.

Bone also contains calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate, minerals that add strength and harden the framework.

The combination of calcium and collagen gives the bone its strength and flexibility.

The flexibility (or ability to withstand stress) of the bone protects it from breaking.

Bone is strong because of calcium, but bone also acts as a storehouse for calcium.

In fact, more than 99% of the body’s calcium is contained in the bones and teeth. The remaining 1% is in the blood.

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Diabetic Related diseases and their effects on the body

diabetic related sisease
Diabetic retinopathy is a diabetic-related disease

Diabetic related diseases

I will be looking at diseases that are diabetic related, it is said that no one dies from diabetes. But it is the effect that diabetes has on the body that is dangerous and will cause death.

Diabetes is linked to a host of other health problems. But if care is taken and the diabetes is and you can control your diabetes, then your risk of developing those complications and secondary conditions goes down,” says Karen McDermaid, a diabetes educator in Moosomin, Saskatchewan. These five conditions are the big ones to look out for if you’re prediabetic or have diabetes

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