Turmeric’s yellow-orange pigment, curcumin, is the main active ingredient in this super spice. Curcumin’s anti-inflammatory benefits are actually comparable to prescribed drugs as well as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicines like Advil and Motrin. But, unlike the drugs, curcumin is not toxic at all.
In researching this post, I have found out that Curcumin decreases inflammation and oxidation in the brain. This spice also speeds up the recovery time from strokes as well.
The focus for us today is keeping our bones healthy. I have found out that as early as age 25, we can start to lose more bone than we build, leading to progressively thinner and weaker bones as we grow older and raising our risk for osteoporosis (literally “porous bones) or debilitating fractures and
Bones are essential to the human body and play many roles in the body by providing structure, protecting organs, anchoring muscles, and storing calcium.
Therefore, we must include in our diet the right foods that will help increase bone density.
Foods rich in calcium, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and exercise will increase bone density, thus maintaining good bone and joint health.
Proteins are organic compounds made up of building blocks called “amino acids.” There are about 20 common amino acids. Nine of them are considered “essential” because the body cannot make them, and therefore, they must be supplied by eating healthy.
The body uses protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other chemicals that allow the body to function well. It assists in building bones, muscle, cartilage, skin, and blood. The body requires a lot of protein to function properly as it doesn’t store it. This is why it’s important to eat the right amount of protein daily. In addition, there are plenty of good proteins that offer other health benefits along with necessary fat to ensure a healthy body.
Complete and Incomplete
Foods that contain all the essential amino acids are called “complete proteins.” These complete protein foods are generally animal foods.
Plant foods do not, as a rule, have complete proteins, but by eating combinations of plant foods, called “complementary proteins,” you can obtain a complete protein.
Without protein, the body would not be able to function properly. Various conditions could develop, such as anemia and hypertension. Problems with circulation and healing from an injury would also occur. Because protein helps muscle, without it, muscle mass may decrease, and weakness can occur.
Some foods that contain complete proteins are:-
Beef (lean cuts )
Chicken (Breast) and eggs
Salmon( which also is a rich source of Omega 3)Turkey Breast
Canned Tuna Fish
Some foods that are considered Incomplete proteins are:-
Rich in proteins and minerals
The incomplete proteins should be eaten another food to make them complete example:-
Dairy/ grains
Grains with DairyBeans and Peas with Grains
Nuts with Dairy
Vitamins C, D, and K are important in keeping our bones strong they work together to strengthen our bones and help them develop properly.
Our body needs Vitamin K for two important reasons: to help wounds heal properly;y, by making sure our blood clots, and to keep our bones strong and healthy.
We get vitamin K from leafy green vegetables like kale, chard and spinach, eggs, and some meats.
Vitamin C: We get Vitamin C from food such as red peppers, green peppers, oranges, grapefruits, broccoli, strawberries, Brussels sprouts,
Vitamin D: has several important functions. Perhaps the most vital are regulating the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and facilitating normal immune system function. Getting a sufficient amount of vitamin D is important for the normal growth and development of bones and teeth and improved resistance to certain diseases.
If your body doesn’t get enough vitamin D, you’re at risk of developing bone abnormalities such as soft bones (osteomalacia) or fragile bones (osteoporosis).
Your body produces vitamin D naturally when it’s directly exposed to sunlight. However, you can also get it through certain foods and supplements to ensure adequate levels of the vitamin in your blood.
Other sources of vitamin D are fish high in fat, such as salmon, trout, mackerel, and tuna, which can be a fantastic source of vitamin D.
calcium-rich foods
Calcium is the most predominant mineral in bone and greatly contributes to its structure and strength; calcium is also vital for muscle contraction and nerve transmission, among other roles. Eating calcium-rich foods such as dairy products, nuts, and broccoli do not actually stimulate bone growth,
Magnesium is needed for bone structure and strength. It prIn addition affects the bone and cardiovascular health by directing calcium toward one and away from blood and tissues where it could cause hardening of the arteries. Magnesium-rich foods include beans, seeds, nuts, fish, spinach, and broccoli.
We also need smaller amounts of minerals or (Trace Minerals); these are silicon, strontium, vanadium, phosphorus, zinc copper, and Boron.
These trace minerals help maintain a balance between bone resorption and formation; the two key processes of bone remodeling—strontium and vanadium help support normal bone formation, strength and decrease the risk of bone fractures.
Boron also reduces the risk of fractures because it helps harden bone. Boron also promotes bone growth, protects vitamin D levels, and contributes to calcium absorption.
Some foods that these minerals may be found are:-
Nuts (Almonds)
Dried herbs (colander, sage, or Basil
Dark Chocolate
Dark Chocolate source of minerals
whole grain
Bean and lentils
Walking is a great way to get some exercise; it’s free, no special skill is needed, and no equipment is needed a good pair of walking shoes and socks.
There are many benefits of walking; it reduces blood pressure and improves cardiovascular functions (improve heart health); walking also helps in weight loss and helps to build muscle strength, endurance and maintain healthy bones and joints.
There will be fewer aches and pains. You will notice that your stress level will go down you will have renewed energy.
I have posted a link to silver sneakers .com for some easy sneakers do hope you find them helpful.
In conclusion, we see if we boomers want to stay independent in our activities of daily living, we must eat healthily, stay stress-free as much as possible, and at all costs keep moving.
Thank you for reading this post; I hope you found it informative; should you have a question or comment, please leave it in the space provided, and I will reply ASAP al; I would really appreciate you liking and sharing this post.
NOTE: This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).
In maintaining healthy joints it is important to consume the type of foods that will promote healthy joints. Unfortunately for us, our busy lifestyles do not afford us the time to eat properly so instead we just grab some fast food which in most cases does not contain the vitamins or minerals that our joints and bones need to be strong and remain flexible.
I have done some research and while not finding any particular diet that is good for arthritic pain I have found some foods that we can add to our diet and some we can avoid, in doing so will help us keep our joints and bones healthy.
Nuts, Especially almonds and sunflower seeds These are the best source of vitamin E which can help protect the outer membrane of joint cells. Vitamin E also defends against free radicals which cause joint inflammation and cell damage.
Citrus and berries. Oranges juice which is a rich source of calcium, which grows and strengthens your bones. It also contains vitamin D which helps our body to absorb calcium and keep joint tissue healthy. Berries are a great source of vitamin C.
Have more of Nuts fruits and vegetables
Apples are high in quercetin, which is an antioxidant that helps build collagen. Collagen helps make up cartilage which acts as a shock absorber in your joints and helps prevent arthritis.
Salmon and other fatty fish contain a high amount of omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 helps decrease the production of chemicals which spread inflammation to the joints. Also, other sources of omega 3 are olive oil and coconut oil.
Cherries contain anthocyanin which has natural, anti-inflammatory properties. Anthocyanins in cherries also help to maintain healthy levels of uric acid ( which in excess can be damaging to the body)
So while there is no special diet for joint health, it would be wise to add these foods to our balanced diet. I think that most fruit and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals that will help in keeping our body healthy.
Foods to avoid in maintaining healthy joints
Sugars. Sugar does nothing for our health they are just empty calories that increase our blood sugar levels. One can also become addicted to sugar. Sugar also causes inflammation development and has a bad impact on our health.
Saturated and trans fats are common in processed foods and some fast foods. These fats can cause high cholesterol which can lead to high blood pressure and heart attack.
Eat less pastry and bread.
Saturated Fat is generally considered to be bad for health because it raises the levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the blood. LDL is a type of cholesterol that can clog the arteries and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Trans fat is found in most processed foods containing partially hydrogenated oil, such as crackers, cookies, cakes, pies, and snack foods. Stick margarine, shortening, coffee creamer, fast food, frozen pizza So stay away from these foods as much as possible.
Red meat and Dairy Even though red meat is a good source of iron and vitamin B and dairy which is rich in calcium it is said excessive consumption of red meat and dairy can cause an inflammatory reaction. So it would be wise to limit our consumption.
Salts and sodium. This can be tricky to avoid that’s why it is so important to read labels and watch out for the salty snacks. Not only is salt not good for healthy joints but too much salt can lead to high blood pressure and that can lead to a heart attack.
Cigarette and alcoholic beverages. These are not good for anything, they do not have any health benefits just the opposite they cause cancer and damage our liver. So try to stay away from these as much as possible.
Keep away from Alcoholic drinks and cigarettes.
Lifestyle Changes
Following an anti-inflammatory diet which includes the foods listed above and any other nuts, and fresh vegetables, and fresh fruits and avoiding the foods that can cause inflammation.
Also, being overweight and obese is not good, it would be good for us to try to lose some weight. Arthritis pain can be intensified by excess weight, which can put substantial added stress on already overworked joints. Keeping our body weight within a healthy range can go far in providing joint pain relief.
Stress reduction both physical and emotional stress is linked to increasing physiological inflammation throughout the body.
So it is good for us to engage in some stress-reducing activities such as gardening or taking an easy walk or stretching these simple activities will not only bring down our stress level but also increase our daily physical activity, it can also help to bring down chronic levels of inflammation and ease pain or discomfort which is linked to irregular sleep a major source of physiological stress.
We can also add some easy exercise to our daily activities without adding extra time. For example, while standing at our desk, table, or kitchen counter, stand on the leg without holding on for a count of 30 ( but make sure something is within reach in case we lose our balance) then change legs do as many reps as you can.
We can also use leg weights, walk around with them on for about 15-20 minutes.
When sitting try to stand without aid (holding on to something example chair arms)stretch your arms out in front of you or hug yourself these two exercise helps to strengthen your legs.
Our bones and joints support our every move, and it is easy to take them for granted Our skeleton is living tissue and needs a constant supply of vitamins and nutrients. And as we age we sometimes suffer from bone loss joint pain and inflammation. It is therefore very important that our bodies are receiving the proper nutrients that are needed to strengthen our bones and joints
I have left a link to some easy exercises from Silver Sneakers Hope you enjoy them, if you do them often enough you will be amazed how the pain and joint movements will be much better
Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to read this post, I do hope you found it informative, And should you have a comment or a question Please leave it in the space provided and I will reply
NOTE: This post includes affiliate links, which, if clicked on and a product purchased, I get a small commission (with no increase in cost to you).
My name is Ruthlyn and I like to be referred to as Ruth. I have just stepped into my 70’s and like most of us Boomers, aches and pains have set in. However, the boomers are known to be resourceful and unafraid of attempting the new. We do not allow these “setbacks” to change who we are, it is just a matter of changing the route, but we tend to reach our goals no matter how long it takes.
A couple of years ago I had a terrible fall and the muscle in my right arm was badly torn. My arm was dislocated and the tendon came off the upper arm bone and I had to undergo an arthroscopic rotator cup surgery. This involves re-attaching the tendon to the humerus. I am used to being independent so you can imagine the plethora of thoughts that ran through my mind…how was I to cope with these changes? Is it possible for me to return to a normal life? What would be life after surgery?
During my rehabilitation sessions, the physiotherapists introduced me to some stretches and light exercises for both arm and knees as I also had arthritic pains in them. I never thought exercise could help therefore, I went into my sessions with skepticism as I honestly thought this would not help…but to my amazement, it did! All along I thought I would have to have knee replacements to be able to walk properly. But by Incorporating these simple exercises into my daily routine was easy and I am now reaping the rewards.
Two years later, I have full utilization of my right arm and my knees are stronger and more flexible. I can walk with more ease. At the time, I was overweight, but with a change of diet and incorporating these exercises into my daily routine, I have lost a couple of pounds, and loving it!
I have found additional light exercise and stretches to incorporate with my exercise routine. It is my desire to help others, who like
myself, may not know that there are exercises that can be done…not only to alleviate the pain but also keep you flexible and strengthen your
legs to help to keep you from becoming a fall risk.
I have also changed my eating habits and have lost a few pounds so now I am looking into healthy eating habits for the baby boomers
My Goal
My overall goal is to help us have quality lives in our daily living activities as much as possible…after all, the “the 70’s is the new
Thank you for taking an interest in my page, and do hope you will visit again.