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The Elderly And The Flu Prevention and Cure

The flue and the elderly   Cause, treatment, and prevention
The Flu and the Elderly Cause, treatment, and Prevention

2020 has been a terrible year for everybody, especially for older people regarding the virus COVID 19. Still, the flu seasons are also devastating, even though available flu shots exist.

So  in this post, I will be looking at the  flu and the elderly population

What is the flu?

The flu (influenza) is a seasonal virus that causes mild to severe symptoms. Some people recover in about a week, while others can be at risk of serious, life-threatening complications. There are many strains of the virus.

The risk of complications increases if you’re over the age of 65. Older adults tend to have a weaker immune system, naturally occurs as we age. And when your immune system isn’t robust, it becomes harder for the body to fight off a virus.

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Skin Problems That Affect Seniors — Maintaining Good Health

Skin Problems That Affect Seniors

The largest organ of the body is the skin it is the outer covering of the human body it is part of the integumentary system( and it covers about 20 sq. ft The skin keeps us safe from the elements, it regulates the body temperature, and helps us to differentiate between rough and smooth, hot and cold

Skin problems in seniors.

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