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The Best Mobile Scoters For Senior Citizens

The best mobility scooters for seniors citizens

Seniors have a strong desire to remain independent and be in control of their lives for as long as possible.

But there are times as we age we will need assistance especially in the area of mobility.

As we age some of us will develop arthritis, which causes pain in the joints, and this affects our mobility.

When there is pain, when walking, or when our balance is affected, I think it is time to consider a mobility scooter,

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Chronic Kidney Disease –Maintaining good health

File:Human kidneys.jpg
chronic kidney disease.

What are the kidneys

The kidneys are two organs that are found just below the rib cage on either side of the spine they are shaped like a bean and isĀ  the size of a clenched fist.

When the kidneys are healthy they usually filter about a half cup of blood per minute, and their functions are to remove waste and extra water to make urine. The urine then flows to the bladder via two tubes made up of muscles which known as the ureters, these tubes are located on the sides of the bladder

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