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Diabetic Related diseases and their effects on the body

diabetic related sisease
Diabetic retinopathy is a diabetic-related disease

Diabetic related diseases

I will be looking at diseases that are diabetic related, it is said that no one dies from diabetes. But it is the effect that diabetes has on the body that is dangerous and will cause death.

Diabetes is linked to a host of other health problems. But if care is taken and the diabetes is and you can control your diabetes, then your risk of developing those complications and secondary conditions goes down,” says Karen McDermaid, a diabetes educator in Moosomin, Saskatchewan. These five conditions are the big ones to look out for if you’re prediabetic or have diabetes

. Heart disease and stroke

Cardiovascular disease is the leading causing of death for people who have diabetes. That’s because high blood sugar can cause a gradual buildup of fatty deposits that clog and harden the walls of blood vessels. And when blood vessels are partially blocked or narrowed, it can lead to a stroke or heart attack.

This disease is more common among people who have been living with diabetes for more than 15 years also if you’ve already had diabetes complications affecting your eyes, kidneys or nerves, or if you’ve noticed problems with circulation, like chest pain when you’re physically active, or leg pain when you spend time walking.

Cardiovascular risk factors for people in general also apply to you: If you smoke, have high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels, or have close relatives who have had heart attacks or stroke, your odds are higher of developing the disease.

Reduce your risk: 

Stop smoking,If you smoke, Increase your level of regular physical exercise. And stick to a well-balanced, heart-healthy diet.

Kidney disease

2. Kidney disease is another is usually caused by diabetes and could lead to kidney failure

It is noted that  At least half of all people with diabetes may have signs of early kidney problems.

High blood pressure, or a family history of it, can raise your risk of chronic kidney disease.

Raised blood pressure also seems to speed up the development of the disease. Unfortunately, as kidney problems worsen, they themselves can be a cause of hypertension, creating a vicious cycle.

Reduce your risk: 

If your showing signs of high blood pressure, talk to your doctor about control measures, including medications. Aim for a target of lower than 130/80. Always avoid a high-protein diet, and have regular urine tests.

3. Nerve damage

Diabetes can often lead to nerve disorders called neuropathies. This is caused by the narrowing of your blood vessels from fatty deposits, your nerves may become damaged because they’re not getting the oxygen and nourishment they need.

Nerve damage can also be caused by other factors, like inflammation.

The symptoms of Diabetic neuropathy are pain, numbness or tingling in your legs and toes, arms and fingers. Or you might have digestive complaints like nausea, indigestion or constipation. The nerve damage can even cause sexual dysfunction.

Reduce your risk: 

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Keep your blood glucose levels in a healthy range. Eat a healthy diet  I would recommend the DASH diet (The DASH diet is a dietary pattern promoted by the U.S.-based National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to prevent and control hypertension. The DASH diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy foods.Wikipedia)

And cut out these habits if you have them Smoking, alcohol drinking

  4. Amputations

. Because of narrowed blood vessels, circulation to your lower body parts may be affected and this can cause cuts or sores on your feet or legs will have a hard time healing and in some cases can get worse instead of better.

Also if you have nerve damage from diabetes, you might not feel the pain of a foot problem.

And  Sores that go unnoticed can become infected and fester and can lead to the need for amputation.

Reduce your risk:

Take good care of your feet by washing them and inspecting them every day.

Avoid anything might hurt your feet, like walking barefoot or wearing poorly fitting socks and tight shoes. If you do get a foot sore that isn’t healing, see your doctor for treatment.

Medical Supply Depot

5. Vision loss

Diabetic retinopathy is a diabetes complication that affects eyes. It’s caused by damage to the blood vessels of the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (retina).

At first, diabetic retinopathy may cause no symptoms or only mild vision problems. Eventually, it can cause blindness.

The condition can develop in anyone who has type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The longer you have diabetes and the less controlled your blood sugar is, the more likely you are to develop this eye complication.


You might not have symptoms in the early stages of diabetic retinopathy. As the condition progresses, diabetic retinopathy symptoms may include:

  • Spots or dark strings floating in your vision (floaters)
  • Blurred vision
  • Fluctuating vision
  • Impaired color vision
  • Dark or empty areas in your vision
  • Vision loss

Diabetic retinopathy usually affects both eyes.

Reduce your risk:

Get a full eye exam at least once a year. Report any strange spots or blurriness to your doctor. If you’re pregnant, see an eye specialist as early as you can. And, you guessed it: Keep your blood glucose levels in a normal range.

For general good health with diabetes, says McDermaid, it’s critical not only that your blood sugar is kept in control, but that your blood pressure and cholesterol levels are healthy as well. “The key is, you have to be in control of your disease, and not let your disease control you,” McDermaid says.

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